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How to Join and What are the Benefits?

Please join the "Natural Health Leaders and Educators" WhatsApp group at  That's it.  You can exit/stop the program any time. (It would be nice if you tell us what's your first name and the city you live in.  But, you can stay anonymous)

In below, you will find videos in each section that you can view at your leisure. We kindly ask that you leave a brief comment under each video after viewing. Also, you share the comments in the above Whatsapp group.   The leaders and educators in the group, who have already completed the program will answer all the questions and help you with love and care.

Once you have completed all the videos, (if you want to go a step further to become a certified leader/educator...but do not feel any pressure...Many people just stop here), the group's leaders and educators, who have already completed the program and helped you with answers and personal coaching, will review and evaluate your participation. If the majority determines that you are qualified, you will be granted full status.  You will be one of the leaders and Educators. We expect you to help the newer comers with the same love and care.


What benefits can you expect, then? We offer personal coaching, product discounts, financial support, and ongoing education to support the growth of your business and practice.